APRIL 11 - 16, 2017

I had a great interview with Gothenburg's Silent Hero, Rick Wood on the 10th, and published the video on the 11th - https://youtu.be/Gw7qafYL7JI. Said goodbye to Suzann on the 12th and later that evening David helped me with some shopping and supplies. I spent the night at Escape Kayak club.   On the 13th, I kayaked from Gothenburg to Bua, Tangaberg, Tronningenäs, Varberg to a little place called Bua. On the 14th I paddled to Tången and made it to Galtabäck on the 15th. The next day, 16th,  I paddled 51 km to Villshäräd. 

I woke up in the middle of the night to a major storm and smashing waves 25 meters away. I thought the water would flood my tent. Lesson: Camp on HIGH ground.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a major storm and smashing waves 25 meters away. I thought the water would flood my tent. Lesson: Camp on HIGH ground.